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Tell Me Who? (Updated New Cover)

Tell Me Who?

  • Regular price Rs. 399.00 Sale price Rs. 355.00

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ISBN: 9780753727843

Author: NA


Binding: Paperback

Publisher: Octopus Publishing Group

Imprint: Bounty Books


Tell Me Who? is full of hundreds of surprising questions and fascinating answers which can provide teasing questions, settle arguments, and assist with school projects. It is an intriguing reference book for the whole family. Tell Me Who? focuses on questions with openings such as 'who was', on topics ranging from people in world history to the scientific community.

Tell Me Who: *Was the first man on the moon? *Invented Facebook? *Were Henry VIII's wives? *Is the oldest person in the world?

Six fact-packed subject categories, including the human body, the natural world, science and technology, earth and space, ancient history and modern history, boost the general knowledge of your children and even you, helping to engage the whole family.

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