The Fifty-50 Marriage
Young couples who have read The 24 X 7 marriage: Smart Strategies for Good Beginnings, Dr. Vijay Nagaswami's 2008 bestseller, may be asking themselves: 'What now? What if the magic leaves us?' Couples married for more than 3 years may be asking themselves:'where has our marriage gone?'
The Fifty-50 Marriage: Return To Intimacy, the second in Nagaswami's series on the 'New Indian Marriage', caters to such readers as have moved on - to committed relationships that may have nevertheless lost some of their earlier spark.
But it is never too late to reignite it, says this self-help book. Nagaswami, trusted counsellor to thousands of couples around the country, once more leads his readers with a firm hand (and gentle wit) to new places they can take their marriage. Where romantic love cedes to intimate love and where passion morphs into sexual love. Where the relationship becomes an equal partnership - a Fifty-50 Marriage.