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13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck by Ashwin Sanghi

13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck

Ashwin Sanghi

  • Regular price Rs. 250.00 Sale price Rs. 225.00

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ISBN: 9789384030575

Author: Ashwin Sanghi


Binding: Paperback

Publisher: Westland

Pages: 176

The journey of life isn't exactly easy. Some people make it through hard work and talent. Some fall by the wayside. And some people are just plain lucky. They are blessed with Bloody Good Luck! But is it possible to attract good luck? Can we train ourselves to be lucky? Apparently it seems that Dame Luck isn't that fickle. She is well within our reach. In his first non-fiction foray, bestselling author Ashwin Sanghi explores that critical, much-longed for element called luck. Through entertaining and informative anecdotes, narrations of personal experiences and vignettes of homespun wisdom, Ashwin gives us a whole new insight into how people can work towards being lucky. It seems that luck isn't entirely the twist of fate that it is made out to be! Almost inspirational like Robin Sharma, Dale Carnegie or Spencer Johnson, Ashwin Sanghi shows us a brand new side to his writing in this particular book.

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